Weekend Shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans

This weekend was a calm and relaxing one, but much needed! After the craziness of having visitors we settled back into our normal routine. We spent some time together as a family and this mama couldn't ask for anything more.

1. Loaded Car

Friday afternoon my good friend Chasity and I decided we needed to get out of the house, so we made a Target trip! I mean who doesn't love Target? We loaded all three babies in the back of my Jeep and they were out within 10 minutes. We had such a good time and the babies were so good. This might need to be a new weekly thing?

2. Look Who's Standing!

Bentley discovered how to pull himself up onto things this weekend. All by himself! This mama is so proud. He's been doing it non-stop since. Just yesterday, he climbed into their bouncer and was kneeling in it bouncing himself. This kid cracks me up. Liam isn't too far behind. He's figuring it out too. We are definitely in for it soon...

3. Class BBQ

My husband's class put together a little BBQ on the beach and it was so much fun. The heat was NO joke but thankfully the water was close. The boys had so much fun playing with their friend Luke. Of course they were covered in sand and had to get baths when we got home, but it was a beautiful day.

4. Bama vs. Ole Miss

Of course this Bama girl had to watch her team play Ole Miss this weekend. Not gonna lie I was getting a little nervous there for a second but the Crimson Tide pulled through! It was a good game that's for sure. Roll Tide Roll!

5. Silly Sleepers

Liam is so much like my husband it's scary. He falls asleep in the silliest positions. We only have one crib at the moment, so my husband made a divider and Liam seems to think it's a pillow. Such a goober!

6. Sunday Explorations

We didn't have much to do on Sunday so we thought we would check out the carnival at Whole Foods. We were really disappointed because it was SO small and they didn't have much at all. I mean it was in the parking lot (only one aisle) and just a handful of tents. It was so sad looking. So instead we decided to grab some lunch and drive around. Since moving here we haven't had a chance to explore much so we decided to just drive and see where it took us. We ended up at a cute little beach and had some lunch. It was the perfect day with my little family!

How was everyone's weekend?

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