Well this one took me a minute to write, but here we are! It's crazy to me that three whole weeks have already gone past since I started the 75 soft challenge. We got to climb the Enchanted Rock near Fredericksburg, TX this past week and it was SUCH a cool experience. If you ever get the chance to, I highly recommend it. Pro tip though: make reservations if you plan to hike.
Things I've noticed this week:
1. I can go longer. My endurance has definitely increased since starting this challenge. I would have been so winded WAY earlier in hikes before, but now I can go longer without being tired.
2. I feel better mentally. There's something so satisfying when you finish a hard workout after not wanting to even start it. I feel so accomplished, and I've noticed it's been helping with my anxiety.
3. I've been sleeping better at night. Maybe it's because I am just dog tired by the end of the day.
I can't wait to see what other things I learn along this journey. 21 days down, 54 to go!