Week 2 Recap of 75 Soft Challenge

Week 2 Recap of 75 Soft Challenge

Week two has come to a close and I can't believe I've been consistent for 2 whole weeks. I'll be the first to admit that I struggle with consistency, so this is HUGE for me. 

Things I've noticed this week:

1. It's starting to become a habit for me to move my body for 45 minutes a day. I start to get antsy and anxious if the day goes on and I still haven't gotten my workout it. Not in a bad way, but as if my body is craving it. 

2. I already feel stronger and am noticing certain muscles poppin'. I can tell that I'm getting stronger because certain weights aren't as much of a challenge as they were when I started.  

3. My pants fit! I have this pair of jeans that I love. I've had them forever, but over the last few months I've noticed they are tight and uncomfortable. On some occasions I couldn't even button them. I tried them on the other day, just to see, and to my surprise they fit! My clothes are definitely fitting better overall.

4. My skin is clearing up. Aside from my period, which always makes me break out, I've noticed my skin is more...plump? I'm not sure if that's the right word, but my skin definitely feels like it's more glowy and has more life than before. 

I'm excited to be at the 2 week mark! I can't wait to see what other things I learn along this journey. 14 days down, 61 to go!

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