Twins | 38 Week Bumpdate

Twins | 38 Week Bumpdate

38 week twin bump

How Far Along?: 38 Weeks

Genders?: BOYS

How Big Are Babies?: The size of a Pumpkin...Geez! They've gotten big. They could have an inch of hair already!

Weight Gain?: Haven't weighed myself in a while, but at my last OB appointment I was up to 59 pounds. Yikes! But she wasn't worried and told me this is normal with twins. Hopefully I can lose it fast.

Workouts?: Just walking a ton and bouncing on my exercise ball. Trying so hard to get these babies moving!

Symptoms?: Well since I've had my membranes swept twice this week, I've had TONS of cramping/contractions. My feet are HUGE and my back hurts a ton. The pelvic pressure is unreal and along with the pressure comes sharp pains. Other than that I've just been exhausted, uncomfortable and ready to evict these little stinkers!

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Off!

Stretch Marks?: Under my boobs and on my butt. I also have the same ones on my belly, but hoping after I deliver the PUPPS ones will fade.

Belly Button?: Out!

Movements?: They move but now its more pressure downwards and rolling around.

Sleep?: Not sleeping at all! I am so tired and try to sleep but my body just doesn't want to. I also can't lay down too long because my hips and legs start to hurt.

What I Miss?: Being conformable and fitting into my clothes. I also miss sleeping comfortably.

Food Cravings?: Hard boiled eggs and sandwiches. I eat both everyday!

Food Aversions?: None.

Labor Signs?: Same old same old contractions. I've lost more and more of my mucus plug and the sharp pains and contractions have gotten a little worse.

What I Look Forward to This Week?: We are SO excited to finally meet our sweet baby boys!

Notes: I got good news Monday! I was almost 2cm dilated and made it to about 50% effaced! Not a whole lot of change but any progress is good at this point! I'm hoping today I'm 3cm and 75% effaced. Can't believe today is Induction Day!

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