How Far Along?: 28 Weeks
Genders?: BOYS
How Big Are Babies?: Babies are the size of eggplants and weigh about 2.5lbs each, and about 14.8 inches long. The babies are starting to develop more fat, so their wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.
Weight Gain?: At my appointment this week I had gained 40 pounds so far. I wish it wasn't so much!
Workouts?: Starting next week I plan to do prenatal yoga, other than that I have been stretching everyday.
Symptoms?: Leg cramps at night, which hurt! Lower back pain and being tired all the time.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: Off.
Stretch Marks?: Under my boobs, and now I’ve noticed a few tiny ones on my butt!
Belly Button?: It is officially popped out!
Movements?: They move all the time now! Especially when I try to sleep, sometimes it makes it even harder to fall asleep.
Sleep?: Not great still, but it is slowly getting more comfortable.
What I Miss?: Being comfortable and sleeping on my back.
Food Cravings?: None right now.
Food Aversions?: None.
Labor Signs?: Just Braxton Hicks so far thank goodness!
What I Look Forward to This Week?: New Years! Happy birth year!
Notes: I had sharp pains on my lower left side earlier, not really sure what they are from but I hope it's just round ligament pain.