Twins | 22 Week Bumpdate

Twins | 22 Week Bumpdate

22 week twins bump

How Far Along?: 22 Weeks

Genders?: BOYS

How Big Are Babies?: The size of papayas. They're about 10.5-11.8 inches long and 12.7-20.8 ounces. Babies are sleeping in cycles now about 12-14 hours a day, and have more developed facial features looking more and more like newborns!

Weight Gain?: Went to my appointment recently, and I've gained 29 lbs so far! Seemed like a lot to me but the OB said it is perfectly normal.

Workouts?: Right now nothing, walking kicks up the Braxton Hicks. I still need to try prenatal yoga!

Symptoms?: Haven’t really changed. Just swollen feet, hungry all the time and having Braxton Hicks. I started to have very slight cramping too.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: Both are off now. My fingers are too swollen.

Stretch Marks?: Still the same just on my boobs. Thank God!

Belly Button?: It’s starting to make its way out although it isn't there yet.

Movements?: All the time! They have a party in there regularly! I have two little boxers on my hands.

Sleep?: Still not the best, I’m hoping I will figure something out soon though.

What I Miss?: Fitting into normal clothes AND shoes! My shoes don't fit anymore except for my sandals. Also eating sushi.

Food Cravings?: SUSHI, I feel like I've been craving this for months.

Food Aversions?: Nothing really.

Labor Signs?: Just Braxton Hicks, and slight cramping.

What I Look Forward to This Week?: The Marine Corps Birthday Ball!

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