Happy Valentines Day y'all! I LOVE Valentines Day so much. All the love and sweet nothings in the air, just makes me happy. What I can't believe, is this is the last "first" holiday for the boys. In just 4 short weeks the boys will be ONE!
Since hubby was at school all day, it was just the boys and mama! I cleaned, decorated the house and baked hubby his favorite chocolate lava cake.
My husband surprised me with chocolate covered strawberries being delivered to the front door during lunch time and it was so sweet! I haven't gotten them since our first Valentines Day three years ago when he was deployed. It definitely made me smile!

He also surprised me when he came home with flowers and Chick-fil-A for dinner. My HERO haha meant no cooking for this mama!

I tried to be cute and take pictures of the twins....yea tried is the key word. They would NOT sit still and I couldn't get a good picture for the life of me. BUT here's what I did get. I sure do love my Valentines! I hope everyone had a day filled with love!