Twins | 18 Week Bumpdate

Twins | 18 Week Bumpdate

18 week bump twins

How Far Along?: 18 Weeks

Genders?: BOYS

How Big Are Babies?: Babies are the size of sweet potatoes. They're about 5.6 inches each and 6.7 ounces. I can't believe they're already swallowing, hiccuping, yawning, and sucking.

Weight Gain?: 18 pounds! One pound a week so far. OB says I'm doing just fine though.

Workouts?: Just walking around, probably not as much as I need to.

Symptoms?: I've had a nosebleed which is so random. My feet are a little swollen and my back is starting to ache a bit.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: My wedding band is still on!

Stretch Marks?: I just started to notice tiny little lines on my boobs, but nothing anywhere else!

Belly Button?: In for now!

Movements?: I can definitely feel them move a lot more now. I love the feeling it's so exciting!

Sleep?: Having a hard time sleeping now that I'm actually starting to have a belly, not to mention the 4-6 times a night I have to pee.

What I Miss?: Sleeping more comfortably.

Food Cravings?: Same as last week! Hot Cheetos, fruit, and hard boiled eggs. Such a strange combo...

Food Aversions?: Nothing right now.

Labor Signs?: Nope and I hope it stays that way for a long time!

What I Look Forward to This Week?: Just catching up on some homework and sleep when I can!

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