On this day in 1903 the brand new For Motor Company got their first order from a Chicago dentist named Ernst Pfenning. He purchased a two cylinder Model A with a backseat for $850 which is roughly $30,000 in today's money. The car was produced at Ford's plant on Mack Street in Detroit and was delivered to Mr. Pfenning just over a week after placing his order.
In 1896 Henry Ford built his first Quadricyle, which was a gasoline powered vehicle, in a workshop behind his home. At the time he was working for Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit as a chief engineer. Ford had failed twice before 1903 to start an automobile manufacturing company. But in June 1903 he, along with 12 other stockholders, signed documents to form the Ford Motor Company. He produced the first Ford Model A in an assembly room that was only 250 by 50 feet.
The Model A was able to accommodate two people sitting side by side on a bench. It had no top and was painted red. It was also designed mostly by Ford’s assistant C. Harold Wills. The greatest selling point for the Model A was its two cylinder and eight horsepower engine. Overall the vehicle has pretty simple controls. It included two forward gears that were operated by the drivers foot pedal, and it could go as fast at 30mph.
Dr. Pfenning’s order was just the first of many. Within the first two months Ford sold 215 vehicles, and by the end of the year they had produced 1,000. The company grew quickly in the following years. But, in 1908 with the launch of the Model T, it exploded Ford’s business. Nicknamed the “Lizzie” the Model T was extremely popular. It was produced up until 1927, when it lost popularity. It was that same year that Ford launched a new Model A. It was also very popular, although the Great Depression greatly impacted its sales. Today Ford continues to be a leader in the automobile industry.