Every now and then, Wes has training down in San Antonio for the military. Whenever he has to travel for the military, we try and go together as a family if we can. With this lifestyle, you have to seize any opportunity you can to be together.
This last UTA was a "super UTA" meaning it was 6 days long. It just happened to also be my birthday week. Our families pulled together some money and paid to have us stay in a nice hotel for the week. The first two days it was just Wes and I, and then I went and grabbed the kids for the rest of the trip.
The kids always love coming along for these trips. They get to play on all the different playgrounds, go to the library, visit museums, and so much more.
Day 1:
This was our travel day. Wes and I drove down to the hotel to check in later in the afternoon, and got there once it was dark.
Day 2:
It was my birthday, but Wes had to be at work super early in the morning. I dropped him off and went to breakfast. Someone was super sweet and paid for my meal. Then I just hung out on base for the rest of the day, explored the thrift shop, and walked around until I could pick up Wes from the shop. We went to a nice dinner and walked around R.E.I. and Barnes and Noble. We were so tired at the end of the day we passed out!
Day 3:
I dropped off Wes at work and immediately drove up to get the kids. When I was packing their things I got the call that my grandma had passed away. That was a hard day for me. We drove back down to the hotel and just tried to settle in. Wes was in the field so we didn't see him that night.
Day 4:
We explored the base, went to parks, and did all the fun things with the kids. Wes was allowed to come back early from the field to be there for me because of my grandma's passing, which I really appreciated.
Day 5:
Wes got picked up by one of his buddies and went back to the field. We spent the day exploring the different bases and parks. We headed to the library and the museum, which are always favorites with the kids.
Day 6:
We dropped Wes off at work early in the morning as usual, and then spent the rest of the day on base. We hopped from park to park, had lunch at the PX and explored the library again. When we go down to base, I let the kids plan our days. They think it's so much fun.
Day 7:
We dropped Wes off at work early in the morning as usual, then went back to the hotel to relax. I packed up the rest of our things and put everything in the car. We checked out of our hotel and headed to base. We spent some time at the parks on base until we could pick up Wes and head home.
This trip was a good change of pace, but it was also full of emotion. I'm glad I was down there with Wes while working through the loss of my grandma. I'm grateful I got to make some positive memories that week!