Hey y'all! I'm back! It's been a crazy last few weeks, so let's start from the beginning...
On February 24th our house was packed up onto a moving truck and I watched as our home rolled away. We stayed in the house without our stuff for about two nights before heading to the hotel in Destin. It was okay..I say ok because I would stay there for a night maybe two but not as long as we did. We were there for 6 days and it was gross and I'm pretty sure someone bought drugs in the parking lot...so there's that. Also I got followed out to my jeep by the guy staying across the hall form us. Yea I know, creepy. Thankfully we weren't there too long. Oh yea...and I went blonde haha.

Of course while we were there, Liam all of a sudden got a fever. Which landed us in the ER. Turns out he had an ear infection. His fever got super scary high and we had no choice but to take him in. He threw up...6 times...all on my poor husband.

He got some medication and that was that. He was on the mend yay! Buuuuut then there's Bentley...
On the day of my husband's graduation he was apparently stung by something. Of course as my husband's name is being called. After the ceremony we took him to medical and there was no stinger so we were just supposed to keep an eye on it. Well, later that night he spiked a pretty high fever so, to the ER we went...again.

We were there so late and poor little man was so tired and so defeated. He threw up once and had to have a catheter. We monitored his fever, which got scary high at one point throughout the night. Thankfully it started to go down on our drive to Disney World the next day.
Both boys were completely fine by March 5th, which was awesome because that was our first full day at Disney World. The resort was beautiful and so much fun! We had a killer view and the boys loved it. Not to mention, our dogs had their own little resort stay. I wish we had longer there, but we'll just have to make another trip.

We didn't want to leave Disney, but alas our time was up. So we packed up and headed on back to Crestview, FL. We picked up my jeep and started our journey across country to our new home at 7:20pm.
The first leg of the trip was the hardest hands down! We were both so exhausted that it was hard to stay awake at some points. But, we switched driving so the other could nap which was really helpful! We didn't get to my grandma's house in Woodway, TX until 9:40am. It was a looooong 14 hours. The boys were amazing! They practically slept the whole way there.

It was so nice to visit my grandma and take a break from our driving. Although, she was bit by a dog so that part wasn't so nice...She is one tough lady though, I'll say that much. Our trip was short but we had to keep going. So, in the morning the next day we left around 10:20am and took three hour shifts. We had six legs and alternated driving. It was so much nicer the second leg. We would drive three hours, rest 30 mins, switch and do it all over again.
I have to say, my husband and I have a strong marriage if we could make it through that drive...haha it was NOT easy. We finally arrived at our new home at 7:30am on March 10th! Which was the twins first birthday.

I wish we didn't have to move on their birthday, but we made up for it later!
The movers completely messed up our household goods and instead of delivering on the 10th they came on the 12th. Annnnd of course they lost a few things and broke some others. So that's been interesting.
The whole process of moving has really worn me out. I've been non stop going since we got here and I've been determined to get this house together as soon as possible. Just a week after getting here we had the boys first birthday party and surprisingly it went ok for just moving in!
Well here's to the next three years of this crazy journey we call life in our new home!