Liam + Bentley | Two Month Update

Liam + Bentley | Two Month Update

Wow. I can't believe the boys are already 2 months old! They're growing so fast it's not fair! I love watching them grow and learn new things every week.

We haven't had an appointment since their 6 week check up but their measurements then were:


7 lbs 15 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 11 oz)

21.5 in (Birth: 19.5 in)


7 lbs 9.6 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 8 oz)

21.5 in (Birth: 19 in)

The doctor said they're in the 0 percentile for their weight and the 5th percentile for their height. BUT he isn't worried as long as they keep gaining weight and follow a growth curve. Since that was two weeks ago, I know for sure these boys have broken the 8 lb barrier! They've come a long way since they were born!


Boy these boys can EAT! All they do is eat and I feel like I'm always either nursing them or pumping. Since around six weeks, I'm almost positive these two have been going through their first growth spurt. They're fussy, hungry all the time and tired but fight sleep.


I'm so thankful that these boys are starting to sleep better at night. I think they're finally starting to figure out night vs day. Thank God! But, when they're awake and ready to start the day, they mean it.

They're so much more alert now and fun fact: they can see 3-4 feet away now! They get stronger everyday and are rolling around and scooting like crazy! I swear they will be crawling in no time!

I can't believe we already have a bag of newborn clothes that are too small! They have officially upgraded into 3 month sleepers! Chunky monkeys are growing!

Here are some of my favorite pics of them:

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