Sitting here typing this, I can't believe it's already been a month since these little boys came into this world. How in the world has time passed so fast?! They've grown so much in these past four weeks.
Even though we have the occasional screaming matches and are running on fumes (which has become the normal around here) I wouldn't trade it for the world. Their little faces can lift my mood no matter what. I'm so blessed to be their mama!
We haven't had an appointment for them since their two week check up, but we did have a few run ins with the pediatrician since. First visit was because the boys had raspy breathing/congestion so I wanted to make sure it wasn't a cold since they're so little. Well turns out they're fine! Just have a slight case of acid reflux. Which we were told should go away by the time they're two years old. Crossing our fingers they don't end up with GERD like my hubby.
The second visit was terrifying to be honest. Here's what happened...
The boys were fussing on Monday and I knew it was time to feed them. Since I was alone at home, I took both the boys out of the Pac N Play and put them on the couch to change their diapers. (At this point I have pretty much mastered how to pick both of them up safely at the same time.) Anyways I had changed Liam and put his bib on and placed him on the side near the nursing pillow. Well I looked away for one second...just one second and he some how managed to roll himself off of the couch and onto the floor. He was only 3.5 weeks old, he isn't supposed to roll!!! As you can imagine this mama FREAKED THE $!@% OUT! I immediately picked him up and soothed him, and after about ten seconds of rocking him he was perfectly content again. Me on the other hand, not so much. I called the clinic and talked to a nurse who went to talk to our pediatrician. She called me back and told me to watch him and make sure he acts himself, but that she and the doctor weren't worried. It was a little peace of mind, but I was still really worried. I bawled my eyes out for about two hours straight. Long story short, we monitored him but around midnight I noticed it was hard to wake him up. I panicked and we went to the ER. I'm SO happy we did. They did a CT scan, and thank goodness everything turned out normal. The only thing wrong with him, was that he ended up having a concussion. Turns out there is no need to wake him up every 2 hours, the pediatrician actually said the guidelines for concussions have changed. We took him to his follow up appointment on Wednesday morning and the pediatrician checked him out. His vitals were normal and they said he looked great! He also said that if something bad with a head injury was going to happen, it would have happened in the first 24 hours. I could finally breathe!
And today is their one month birthday! WOOO we survived the month! Here are their stats as of the last time we went to the doctors. Which by the way, the doctors are so impressed with how much they're gaining and how fast!
These boys are hungry ALL. THE. TIME. They're such greedy little things! I've been exclusively giving them breastmilk, which I'm so proud of. I pump more and more, and am starting to bottle feed them mostly during the day. I've been so impressed with how much I'm getting every time I pump. I have to say, these boys are such good feeders. I can go from breastfeeding to bottle feeding with no problems. They take to both great!
They're doing so much better than a few weeks ago. We're slowly but surely getting them on a schedule...Thank GOD!! I was starting to lose my mind a little. We still have rough nights here and there, but for the most part they sleep about 4 hour stretches at night. They also take one long nap during the day and a few short ones. So proud of these little stinkers!
Liam is a goofy character and likes to make silly faces and snuggle with mama and daddy. Bentley on the other hand, is more independent and fights sleep with everything he's got. It's so much fun to watch their little personalities come to life! I can't wait to see what month 2 has in store for us. I love these little boys more than anything and I'm so happy to be their mama!
Here are a few more (goofy) pictures of the boys. With two one month olds this is about as good as it gets.