Has it already been three months?! Where has the time gone?! I really can't believe my little baby boys are already three months old. It feels like just yesterday that we were in the hospital getting ready to welcome them into the world.
Each week the boys learn new things and I love to watch them grow.
We still haven’t had an appointment since their 6 week check up but their measurements then were:
7 lbs 15 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 11 oz)
21.5 in (Birth: 19.5 in)
7 lbs 9.6 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 8 oz)
21.5 in (Birth: 19 in)
Since that was about 6 weeks ago I know for sure these boys have broken the 8 lb barrier! My husband and I have a scale at home and of course we tried to weigh the boys just for fun. According to the scale, Liam is around 9.4 lbs and Bentley is around 9 lbs. Although, I'm not so sure how accurate this is. They've come a long way since they were born! I plan on making them an appointment here soon, so hopefully we will get real measurements in a few weeks!
Lately it seems like these boys are eating all the time. They eat at least every two hours and I've now started to strictly breastfeed. I hardly pump anymore, which I'm so happy about! I only pump when I know we'll be out for a long time, or in the car for a long time. Other than that I just breastfeed them and they're doing so well! We're still using the nipple shield. I try to wean them off of it, but they just don't have a strong latch. I can definitely tell when they're hungry now and between all their other cries.
Thank you Jesus these boys are starting to sleep much better. During the day they hardly nap anymore, which is a little weird to me, but at night they sleep like angels. I sleep better now too since we got the Snuza Hero monitors. I don't have to worry about the boys anymore and I'm so thankful that we got them because they've actually gone off a few times with both of them. I don't want to even think about what would have happened had we not bought the monitors. One thing that Liam does now, is he will whimper or do a soft sad cry in his sleep sometimes. Sometimes it wakes him up and sometimes he just continues to sleep. It breaks my heart when I hear it and I don't know what's the matter with him. It's almost like he has nightmares. I hope he grows out of it poor baby!
They're already growing into their personalities, and I love to watch it! Bentley is the needy attention grabber, whereas Liam is more independent and determined to do things first. They're both rolling over like pros now and are scooting themselves across the floor. I can't put them down on the rug without a fortress of pillows or I swear I'd lose them!
Liam is starting to hold his head up more while on his tummy and I think within two months this baby will be completely crawling. They smile so much and Liam had his first real laugh (while he was asleep of course). It was the sweetest thing I've ever heard.
They're still in three month clothes and slowly starting to fill them out more and more each day. We've officially moved into size 1 diapers too!
Fun Fact: We got their DNA tests back and they are identical twins! I would have never guessed it! Another cool thing is that they can see up to 20 feet away now!
Here are some of my favorite pics of them.