Camp Lucy

Camp Lucy


As my husband's birthday quickly approached, I knew I had to get him the BEST birthday present. Sometimes (at least for me) buying for your spouse can be so difficult. But then I had this idea...a getaway! He's been saying he wants to go on a just him + I vacation for a while now, and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity. 

As I was searching for local resorts, I stumbled upon Camp Lucy. This quaint, hidden gem in the hill country. When I saw the cabin photos on their website, I was instantly sold. Wes is definitely a mountain man at heart and he loves being in the trees. I arranged for childcare, and made the reservation right then and there. 

I was dying to tell him (surprises are so hard for me) but I had to wait for him to get home from training. In my spare time I put together a powerpoint presentation to show him (yes I actually had him sit and watch it haha). He was so excited!for the next week and a half we were both constantly talking about how fun this was going to be, and how we couldn't wait!



Camp Lucy has so many fun activities for their guests including hatchet throwing, archery, hiking and fishing. They also have these adorable Alpacas outside their restaurant Tillie's. Which by the way y'all....GORGEOUS. I could hang out there all day. 



When we pulled into the property I knew we were going to have a great time. We arrived way before check in time, but there were so nice and gave us our room anyways. We parked, walked down a path and found our little cabin tucked at the very end of the walkway. There was this cool vintage billboard poster along the fence line that I just had to take a photo of. 



When I opened the door, I was instantly blown away at how nice the inside was. There was this funky wallpaper that had monkeys + fruit on it, and a custom imported soaking tub in the bathroom. It also had this gorgeous sliding barn door. 

After looking around the room a bit, we decided to go walk the property. There were tons of cute little cabins throughout, and a nice pool by the restaurant. During the summer it looks like the pool has a swim up bar and outside lunch bar as well. 

After exploring we hopped into the truck and went to Pig Pen BBQ down the road. I got the fajita tacos and they were really good! After that, we drove to Wimberley and explored the shops. I got a giant scoop of ice cream, and Wes got some old cigarette candies. After that little exploration, we ventured back to our room and hung out for a little and watched some TV.



Then the sirens went off...

YUP. My heart about did flips. My mom was back home watching the kids for me, when my tornado siren went off on my phone. I have this special app that will alert me if there is a tornado touched down within a certain radius of our house. Not only that, but Wes' phone was blowing up from the fire station. They were requesting all personnel to go to the station. I thought for sure our trip was over. 

We immediately turned on the news and watched as the meteorologist was telling people in our area (at home) to seek shelter immediately because a large and violent tornado had touched down. I of course was freaking out, called my mom and told her to get herself and the kids in the tub with a mattress NOW. 

I had friends from church sending me photos and asking if we were okay, which I am so grateful for, but it was so hard not being there with my kids. That one was way too close for home, and ended up totaling a few houses on our church friend's street. Thankfully no one was killed (that I know of) but the last time I checked 23 people were injured. 



After the tornado had passed the rain and hail came. Thankfully it wasn't enough to damage my car (again) so that was a blessing! When we got the all clear, I told my mom she could and the kids were okay to get out. When the warnings and watches finally expired, Wes and I both were able to exhale. It was back to relaxing!

We looked up a local place for dinner and decided to order in. We were both pretty tired at that point. When we brought it back the room, we put on the TV, laughed, ate, and relaxed. It was the perfect night. 

I even got to soak in the beautiful stone tub! 



In the morning we showered, got ready and packed up our things. We headed to Tillie's for breakfast and it was so nice! After breakfast we were officially checked out. But before leaving I had to stop at the gift shop. It was so cute! There was this maxi dress I was dying to get, but instead settled for a tee because your girl lives in tees + leggings. We brought the kiddos back some workbooks, and I grabbed myself some stickers for my Stanley that I love so much! I'm pretty much obsessed with cows, so when Wes found this I took it as a sign that I needed it.



When we were finished, we threw our things in the truck and decided to take one last tour of the grounds. We found a cool old church and this courtyard type thing. It was an interesting mix between Spanish catholic and Vietnamese looking structures and decorations. 

We eventually made our way back to the truck and drove home. It was a much needed getaway and I could definitely see us going back again!



The only issue I had with our stay was that our bed was so uncomfortable for me. I also noticed some mold in the bathroom where it looked like there was a high concentration of water. Other than that, it was perfect! 

If you're looking for a quiet getaway in the hill country, where you can relax and recharge, I would absolutely look into Camp Lucy!

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