How Far Along?: 7 Weeks!
Weight Gain: Still hanging out around 113-114. It's so different than my last pregnancies because even this early on I had at least a few pounds gained.
Gender?: Not sure yet! We're praying our girl sway really worked! I plan on doing the NIPT with gender test around 9 weeks!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a little blueberry! Little babe is measuring 0.51 inches, which is double what it was last week! This little brainiac is making about 100 new brain cells a minute!
Symptoms: Not really having any besides being tired all the time. I'm pretty certain the cold sore fiasco is coming to a close...I hope! Other than being really lazy and tired I feel pretty normal!
Any Food Cravings?: Eggs and cheese. I think my body is telling me I need all the protein. These were the same cravings I had with the twins haha
Sleep: I haven't been sleeping great. I tend to wake up more throughout the night and I also seem to not go to bed until really late. I need to work on that!
Stretch Marks?: Nothing new, hoping it stays that way!
Maternity Clothes?: Not yet, I'm starting to "window shop" online though!
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On. I hoping my fingers don't swell too much and I can keep it on!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Not being so tired. I feel exhausted all the time lately.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Well I thought I was getting an ultrasound last week but that never happened. So I'm looking forward to the twins birthday party and telling our families that we are adding baby number 4 to the mix!
Labor Signs?: Nope!