How Far Along?: 33 Weeks! We have LESS than two months before she's due!
Weight Gain: Roughly 21 lbs...I've actually lost weight this week.
Gender?: It's a GIRL! Still can't believe our prayers were answered and we're getting our baby girl!
How Big is Baby?: Baby girl is the size of a celery stalk this week. She's roughly 17.2 inches long and 4.2 lbs. She could grow one whole inch this week! It's crazy how fast she's growing.
Symptoms: The only annoying symptom I'm having is back pain and my sciatica. It's KILLING me. I feel like I hobble around like an old lady.
Any Food Cravings?: Really not much right now. Anything I can get my hands on haha.
Sleep: I've been pretty bad about getting to bed on time. I've been SO busy that time has gotten away from me more than once. Although, once I do go to sleep I sleep pretty well! I'm amazed that I'm still this comfortable at 33 weeks.
Stretch Marks?: Nothing new, same ole' same old. Getting darker by the week.
Maternity Clothes?: Oh yessss. In fact, if I don't have to change out of PJs...I'm not going to.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Honestly I miss the mobility. Bending over is NO fun. I've gotten pretty used to sleeping on my sides, but it does get harder to roll over every week haha.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I can't wait to see how our appointment in San Diego goes for the twins. I'm so looking forward to getting some answers. I'm also really excited about some MAJOR life changes coming up (more on that soon, so stay tuned!)
Labor Signs?: Nothing yet and hoping it stays that way for a long time.