How Far Along?: 32 Weeks! The countdown is ON. Only 8 weeks until I'm due, but honestly I've never made it to a due date, so I doubt I will this time. That means within TWO months she'll be here!
Weight Gain: Roughly 26 lbs...give or take.
Gender?: It's a GIRL! It's slooooowly starting to sink in as I start thinking about packing our hospital bag.
How Big is Baby?: Baby girl is the size of a squash (How appropriate considering it's fall in my mind!) She's roughly 16.7 inches long and 3.8 lbs.

Symptoms: This week I've felt pretty good! Minus the little L&D trip I made over the weekend. She hadn't been moving much and deviated from her typical pattern (which is usually like clockwork), so I ended up spending my Saturday morning in triage to be monitored. She was fine, thank goodness, but was just being stubborn. After some TERRIBLE juice (more like syrup) she started to move around. Other than that, the only thing I really have to complain about is my back. It's starting to hurt pretty bad. OH, and I'm also not too thrilled that she's still breach...I'm hoping she flips in the next two weeks.
Any Food Cravings?: Honestly, I haven't craved anything really. I do need to start eating healthier though since my digestive system feels all out of wack lately.
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well lately. I've been getting pretty good about my sleep schedule. I'm typically in bed by 9:00-9:30pm and wake up at 5:35am. I started waking up before the kiddos because I really craved that alone time in the morning. I've noticed since I started sleeping more on a schedule, that I feel better and usually have more energy throughout the day. I make sure to keep to this routine even on the weekends.
Stretch Marks?: Nothing new, same ole' same old. Although, my belly button is SUPER popped. The most it has with any other pregnancy I think haha.
Maternity Clothes?: YUP. My typical outfit these days (if we are home) is a tank top and some sweats. I may throw on some maternity shorts if we leave the house...may.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Right now? Being able to bend over and breathe at the same time. I've gotten to the point where I'm SO out of breath just bending over to pick up toys. Getting off the floor is also not my favorite sporting event. And let's be real, it feels like a dang sport when you're this pregnant.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I'm excited to have Wes home for a long weekend and to check up on baby girl. He's been home a lot this week but he's been super sick with the stomach flu. Since he's feeling a lot better it will be nice to actually be able to spend some time together! We're also at that point in pregnancy where checkups are every two weeks from now on. Reaaaally hoping she decides to turn her butt around (literally) by the time of my appointment.
Labor Signs?: Nothing yet and hoping it stays that way for a little while. I've had more noticeable Braxton Hicks but that's about it.