How Far Along?: 31 Weeks! The countdown is officially in the SINGLE digits y'all! How did it go by so fast?!
Weight Gain: Roughly 24 lbs so far. I haven't gained much in the last couple of weeks, I contribute that to chasing three toddlers non-stop haha!
Gender?: It's a GIRL! I'm getting more and more anxious about meeting her.
How Big is Baby?: Baby girl is the size of asparagus. She's measuring about 16.2 inches long and 3.3 lbs. All five of her senses are now working and she should be head down this week so I'm hoping she has flipped!
Symptoms: This past week I've been feeling a lot better while also starting to feel super pregnant. I think getting up before the kiddos do has had a huge impact on how good I feel. I've had stomachaches more recently which has sucked but I think it's from the iron pills I've been taking. I HATE them...horrible. But, I'm anemic so what's a girl to do...
Any Food Cravings?: This week I'm really craving hearty foods...and ice cream, I may or may not have polished off an entire tub of Tillmook Carmel Toffee Crunch ice cream...
Sleep: I still toss and turn a bit but I've started to get into more of a groove. Lately my back has been hurting a bit so that's kept me up a few times but other than that it's not so bad!
Stretch Marks?: Just my old ones, which are getting more noticeable the bigger she gets.
Maternity Clothes?: ALL DAY. I've been wearing my PJs most of the shame.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping on my back HANDS DOWN and being able to bend over and breathe at the same time. OH and fitting into my cute clothes.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Nothing too exciting is happening this week we're gearing up for Wes to go to trainings here soon so that's always a crazy time. But for the most part I'm looking forward to a slow and relaxing weekend.
Labor Signs?: Nope! I've been having Braxton Hicks more frequently but that's about it.