How Far Along?: 30 Weeks! Only 10 weeks until my due date! How has it gone by this fast already?!
Weight Gain: Roughly 24 lbs so far. I'm feeling really good!
Gender?: It's a GIRL! I still can't believe it, I am SO excited to meet her in a few short months!
How Big is Baby?: Baby girl is the size of a zucchini! She's now about 15.7 inches long and about 3lbs. At this point she's growing about a half of a lb and half an inch a week. From my last appointment she's still breach (little stinker) but is floating around in there in about a 1 1/2 pints of amniotic fluid. Although her skin may be getting smoother, her brain is getting wrinklier! I can't believe at this stage she's strong enough to grasp a finger.
Symptoms: This week I've been feeling pretty good! Aside from being exhausted. We've recently taken on a HUGE change in lifestyle (blog post coming soon so stay tuned!) and it resulted in more than a few late nights. I've also been having heartburn so I try to avoid trigger foods before bed. Speaking of bed, I've been sleeping better thanks to my AMAZING new alarm clock. It's a diffuser, clock and alarm all in one! I've been diffusing Serenity which has really helped me relax. I've also noticed if I stand too long I start to swell, this heat really doesn't help it Fall yet?
Any Food Cravings?: This week's bump photo is appropriate...I've been craving a bowl of ice cream before bed for about a week now. I've also really been in the mood for sandwiches (Firehouse Subs is my weakness).
Sleep: I still toss and turn a bit but I've started to get more comfy. I place a king sized pillow between my knees and that usually does the trick. My back and hips have started to get a little sore though.
Stretch Marks?: Just my old ones, which are getting more noticeable the bigger she gets.
Maternity Clothes?: ALL DAY. I've been living in tank tops though since it's approximately 18,374 degrees here.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping on my back HANDS DOWN and being able to bend over and breathe at the same time.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Nothing too exciting is happening this week but I am excited to get into a better morning and bedtime routine. I'm also looking forward to decluttering.
Labor Signs?: Nope! I've been having Braxton Hicks more frequently but that's about it.