Bumpdate | 28 Weeks

Bumpdate | 28 Weeks

This is SO late but life has been pretty hectic lately!


How Far Along?:  28 Weeks! We are officially in the third trimester! I can't believe we are getting so close!

Weight Gain:  Roughly 22 lbs so far.

Gender?: It's a GIRL! We can't wait to meet her!

How Big is Baby?: Baby girl is the size of an eggplant! She's now about 14.8 inches long and 2 lbs 5oz (according to the ultrasound we just had.)

Symptoms:  I've been feeling pretty good lately! Tired and the heartburn is creeping in but overall I feel good!

Any Food Cravings?: Not really!

Sleep: I'm tired ALL the time. I wake up tired. But, I've also had a rough time falling asleep lately.

Stretch Marks?: Just my old ones!

Maternity Clothes?: YUP. If it's not PJs I can't wear it haha.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!

What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping on my back HANDS DOWN.

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I'm so excited to go up to Flagstaff with the family and explore. It's going to be so fun to escape the heat for a little while.

Labor Signs?: Nope! Just those annoying ole Braxton Hicks contractions every now and then.

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