Bumpdate | 16 Weeks

Bumpdate | 16 Weeks

How Far Along?:  16 Weeks!

Weight Gain: About 9 pounds, Seems like a lot but I'm right on track! I'm actually really proud of myself, considering I've never been "in range" for heathy weight gain in any of my pregnancies.

Gender?: It's a GIRL!

How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of an avocado! mmmmmm! She's measuring 4.6 inches long and 3.5 ounces. This week she can start to hear my voice, which is so cool! The taste buds are also forming and she's growing lashes, eyebrows and more!

Symptoms: I haven't felt the best this week. I'm tired, my back hurts oh and I threw up violently, so that was fun. I'm also not sleeping well, which doesn't help with the being tired. The lovely constipation is starting to show up so hopefully that passes instead of getting worse. On the bright side, I felt my first real kick this week!!

Any Food Cravings?: Honestly, I was craving healthy things until I threw up and then it was anything that came out of a box and didn't require preparing haha.

Sleep: Not great. I have trouble falling asleep and getting up a few times to pee at night doesn't help matters.

Stretch Marks?: Nothing new!

Maternity Clothes?: Oh yes! About the only pants that fit me now. I have noticed, I cary differently with her and in some ways feel smaller, but this is also the most healthy pregnancy I've ever had.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!

What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping on my back!

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I have an appt with my midwife coming up AND hubby gets to come home after being away for a month!

Labor Signs?: NOPE!

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