How Far Along?: 15 Weeks!
Weight Gain: Still hanging out at around roughly 5-6 pounds. I'm trying to eat healthier and exercise more, so I'm hoping I gain a healthy amount this pregnancy.
Gender?: It's a GIRL! It's slowly...very slowly sinking in that we are going to be having our sweet baby girl!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a navel orange! Baby girl is measuring at about 4.09 inches long and 2.5 ounces. She's growing so fast! At this point she is growing at super speed! The legs are now longer than her arms and she's looking more and more human like everyday!
Symptoms: Still nauseous and the headaches are random which is annoying, because I can't do much to avoid them! My midwife said it's circulatory, so the best thing to do is lie down. My back pain is starting to creep in and I'm hoping stretching and working out will help! I'm also super cranky lately, sorry kiddos.
Any Food Cravings?: I haven't been eating the best lately and my body can feel it. I feel sluggish and I'm craving healthy meals like veggies and smoothie bowls.
Sleep: I'm so tired all the time, but I can't seem to fall asleep easily, I'm also starting to get uncomfortable in my sleeping positions. I'm having a hard time NOT sleeping on my back...whoops.
Stretch Marks?: No new ones! Thankfully.
Maternity Clothes?: Definitely! They are so much comfier!
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Not being so sick all the time! I also miss my sleep.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: We have an elective ultrasound this weekend in Palm Springs and I can't wait to see her! Part of me is nervous they are going to tell me it's a boy haha. I'm also looking forward to Mother's Day! We will be in Temecula, CA this year for it, so I'm glad to get out of the desert for a little while.
Labor Signs?: NOPE! Hoping it stays that way for a long time!