How Far Along?: 8 Weeks!
Weight Gain: 3.5 lbs! Still hovering right around that 3 lb mark right now. I feel like I'm gaining weight pretty fast...
Gender?: Not sure yet. Please be a little girl! I need someone on my team haha. Wes and I both have a feeling it's a girl!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is as big as a raspberry! Our little peanut weighs about .04oz and is 0.63 inches long. Baby is growing about a millimeter a day, that's a lot of growing!
Symptoms: Still tired, but slowly getting out of the morning sickness stage. I do however have a heightened sense of smell now, so that hasn't helped the nausea much. Still cramping on and off but I'm trying to make sure I drink more water.
Any Food Cravings?: Since my morning sickness is starting to fade, I'm really craving meat and anything salty!
Sleep: I've been sleeping like a baby this last week and I'm definitely taking advantage of it before this baby gets here in just 8 short months.
Stretch Marks?: Just the tiny ones from the twins which are pretty much invisible under my extra skin.
Maternity Clothes?: Not yet!
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.
What Do You Miss the Most?: Honestly just being able to do anything. I've been so picky lately because my stomach just doesn't handle things well anymore haha.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: We decided to get the blood test done for gender and I'm so excited I can barely contain myself! We also decided to do a gender reveal party this time around to include everyone.
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Being able to hear our little one's heart beat finally! Measuring right on track too!