Bumpdate | 7 Weeks

Bumpdate | 7 Weeks

How Far Along?:  7 Weeks! Wow I can't believe we are already half way through the first trimester. I feel like I JUST found out I was pregnant.

Weight Gain: None that I know of. We don't have a scale anymore so I rarely weigh myself. Aside from bloat, I don't think I've actually gained any weight yet. If anything maybe a pound or two? Pants are already feeling uncomfortable haha.

Gender?: No idea but I'm hoping it's another girl! I'd love for Ellie to have a little sister!

How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a raspberry or blueberry! Measuring in at about .51in. Baby's brain is developing 100 brain cells a minute! The lower body is also starting to develop and what will become the legs and toes are now starting to dominate their tail. The heart, kidneys, teeth and so much more are developing fast this week!

Symptoms: I still haven't had any super crazy symptoms. I've noticed a bit more nausea this week, mostly when I'm hungry or wake up. I'm also tired and crampy. Overall I feel pretty good and feel blessed to still be functioning, unlike with Cooper or the twins!

Any Food Cravings?: I wouldn't say I have any real cravings yet, but I have been really wanted protein rich foods. So maybe I do have cravings? Chicken, steak, cheese and eggs...haha

Sleep: I'm exhausted but I'm sure it's a mixture of mom life, this PCS, and being pregnant. I keep waking up lately between 2-4am so uncomfortable and having to pee. I seem to sleep so much better during the day for some reason...

Stretch Marks?: No new ones, and I'd be surprised if I got anymore than I already have!

Maternity Clothes?: Not yet!

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! 

What Do You Miss the Most?: Sushi seems to be the only thing I really miss!

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: We have a lot coming up this week! We get to go celebrate our friend's wedding, get family photos done, and are getting that much closer to our move date!

Labor Signs?: Nope!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Seeing little peanut at our ultrasound! Being able to hear and see the heartbeat was so reassuring. I feel like my anxiety just melted away. Heart rate was 131bpm and measured exactly 6w5d which is what my LMP says (I feel like that almost never happens!) Grow baby grow!


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