Bumpdate | 33 Weeks

Bumpdate | 33 Weeks

How Far Along?:  33 Weeks!

Weight Gain: About 32lbs. I seem to have slowed down with the weight gain, but still steadily gaining!

Gender?: BOY!

How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a Durian! Never had one before, but they seem interesting haha. I'm so curious as to how big he really is!

Symptoms: OH MY WORD my back and pelvic region are killing me. I have what's known as SPD, which is the separation of my pelvic bone. It hasn't gotten so bad but I've noticed that it's starting to hurt to go up the stairs.

Any Food Cravings?: None surprisingly, I think I've been too busy lately to think about it haha.

Sleep: Is hard...I can't get comfy anymore.

Stretch Marks?: Still just the old ones.

Maternity Clothes?: More like P.J.'s buuuuuut who cares right?

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.

What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping on my back and fitting into clothes!

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: My friend's little boy turns one and I can't wait to go to his party! Plus it's an excuse to get out of this desert we call home haha.

Labor Signs?: Nope!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: My husband coming home and our sprinkle! It was so much fun! Even though hubby is sick (pray I don't catch it too) we're having a great time just being together again.

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