Bumpdate | 22 Weeks

Bumpdate | 22 Weeks

How Far Along?:  22 weeks! And 2 weeks until our first big milestone...the age of viability!

Weight Gain: The last I checked I gained about 10-11 lbs. I'm finally starting to slowly gain weight.

Gender?: BOY!

How Big is Baby?: He's the size of a coconut! Weighing in at about 15.2 ounces and 10.9 inches long. Now that baby's eyes are fully formed and lips have developed, they’re looking even more like a newborn (their future eye color will remain a mystery though!). Baby is sleeping in cycles—about 12 to 14 hours per day. With stronger muscles, he's moving often and can now touch his ears and umbilical cord.

Symptoms: I've been sick for a bit and it's been awful. I cough all night and can't seem to get comfortable. It's miserable being sick and pregnant. Other than that, I have heartburn here and there and backaches sometimes. But overall I feel okay considering. My gut is still a mess though and being sick isn't helping. 

Any Food Cravings?: Not really. I haven't had a huge appetite while sick. 

Sleep: Horrible. Basically non-existent. 

Stretch Marks?: No new ones that I've noticed. But my old ones are just more pronounced. 

Maternity Clothes?: Yes and no. I have a few staple pieces but can still wear some of my normal clothes too. 

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! 

What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping comfortably! 

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Cooper's birthday! I can't believe it's already been 7 years...

Labor Signs?: Nope!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Probably just our family nights watching movies at home together. I've been craving the slow days. 

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