Bumpdate | 21 Weeks

Bumpdate | 21 Weeks

How Far Along?:  21 weeks! Only 19 to go, and 3 weeks until our first big milestone...the age of viability!

Weight Gain: So far not much. About 8 pounds depending on the day and how I've been feeling. 

Gender?: BOY. I'm still in shock....I was so convinced it was another girl!

How Big is Baby?: We just had our anatomy scan done and he's measuring about 13 +/- 2 oz. He's also about 10.5in long now!

Bone marrow is now developed and starts pumping out red blood cells—which was, until now, the job of baby’s liver and spleen. Hemoglobin in baby’s red blood cells delivers oxygen, via the placenta, to baby’s whole body. When baby’s cells use oxygen, they create carbon dioxide waste, which red blood cells then transport back to the placenta to be discarded. 

Baby’s whole body is covered in lanugo. It began developing sometime in the last month or so and likely serves the same purpose as a fur coat, keeping baby’s body temperature warm and stable. Incredibly, it also helps fuel baby’s growth, by sending vibrations when they move. Lanugo falls off—and baby’s growth slows—by about week 37 of pregnancy. That means baby might have a bit more body hair (which will eventually fall out) if they’re born a few weeks early.

Baby’s sense of hearing has developed enough that they can hear all the action going on inside my body—including the whoosh of my heartbeat, churning of my digestive system (sorry little guy) and my voice. 

Symptoms: It's been a rough week since I got sick. This cough hurts so bad. Every time I cough it hurts my belly and my head. My gut seems to slowly be getting better but still not anywhere near normal. I'm mostly just tired and worn out.

Any Food Cravings?: Really loving simple meals lately. Meat is hir tor miss right now which is weird. But Smoothie bowls sound so good lately.

Sleep: It's been hit or miss. Mostly miss. Not feeling well has interrupted my sleep so much. I just can't seem to get comfy.

Stretch Marks?: No new ones that I've noticed. But my old ones are just more pronounced. 

Maternity Clothes?: Yup! The maternity leggings I just got in are SO comfy I need another pair. I also love the basics like tanks and tees that I wear. But I'm still able to wear most of my normal clothes too.

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! 

What Do You Miss the Most?: Honestly, I just want to be healthy. That's it. 

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Cooper's birthday! It snuck up on us!

Labor Signs?: Nope!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Getting to see little man at the anatomy scan with Wes!

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