Bumpdate | 20 Weeks

Bumpdate | 20 Weeks

How Far Along?:  20 weeks! I can't believe we are already HALFWAY. 

Weight Gain: So far not much. About 7-8 pounds depending on the day. 

Gender?: We will be announcing soon! 

How Big is Baby?: Baby is now as big as a banana! Mmmm. Baby is measuring 6.5 inches and 10.2 ounces. 

Baby’s delicate skin stays protected while in the amniotic fluid, thanks to lanugo (fine, light hair) and vernix (a slick, white substance) covering their body.

In addition to tiny fingernails, baby’s fingerprints are taking shape this week. These ridges begin forming around the 10th week of pregnancy, when the growth of the middle (basal) layer of skin outpaces the skin on top of it, causing it to fold and buckle on the surface. The unique pattern that emerges is thought to be a combination of genetics (you and baby probably have some pattern similarities) and environment (i.e., influenced by substances in the womb).

Baby has working taste buds and should have the sucking reflex. They’re gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day—that's significantly more than before. Plus, regular sleep/wake cycles start taking shape.

Baby’s muscles are growing at a fast pace right now—and all those new muscles need practice to strengthen and coordinate, hence all that punching and kicking. As those muscles work with the nervous system, including the brain, baby will be able to make increasingly coordinated and intentional movements.

Symptoms: It's been a rough week I won't lie. I started getting heartburn at night almost every night. I can't get comfy in bed, and my back has been pretty sore. I'm also still dealing with the gut issues which is pretty frustrating honestly. 

Any Food Cravings?: For some reason lately I've been craving juice. Any kind of fruit juice but it has to be cold! 

Sleep: It's been hit or miss. This past week was so hard and I am so exhausted. We watched another EOD families toddler and it WIPED me out. 

Stretch Marks?: No new ones that I've noticed. But my old ones are just more pronounced. 

Maternity Clothes?: Yup! The maternity leggings I just got in are SO comfy I need another pair. I also love the basics like tanks and tees that I wear. 

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! 

What Do You Miss the Most?: Honestly, I just want my gut to level out and heal itself. That's it.  

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Planning Cooper's birthday!

Labor Signs?: Nope!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: I'd say pizza and ice cream night with the family was my favorite for sure! 

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