We were leaving on vacation this day, so I was lazy and only got a picture of the board. Sorry!
How Far Along?: 14 Weeks! Hellooooooo second trimester! I can't believe I'm already here!
Weight Gain: 12 lbs. Well that steady weight didn't last long...
Gender?: BOY! Hubby and I agreed on a name! I told him he had first pick of the first name as long as we included my grandpa's name as the middle name. Soooooo say hello to Mr. Cooper Earl!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a lemon this week! He's 3.4 inches and 1.5 oz. I can't believe how fast he's growing in there!
Symptoms: I'm starting to have a few round ligament pains but I noticed the more I walk/move around the easier it is on my body. I have to pee every 5 seconds but besides that I'm feeling pretty darn good!
Any Food Cravings?: Surprisingly no! I decided to try the vegetarian diet a couple weeks ago and I've noticed I don't really crave anything anymore.
Sleep: Still sleeping like a baby, although I can't seem to break the sleeping on my back thing...oops.
Stretch Marks?: Nothing new yet!
Maternity Clothes?: Yup! I have officially broke out the maternity clothes and I'm beyond comfy now.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.
What Do You Miss the Most?: Since I'm starting to show more I sort of miss fitting into my old clothes and not worrying about "dressing the bump" so to speak.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Our vacation! We're going to Disneyland for a week and I can't wait! We haven't been since before we PCSed to Florida. The boys were only 8 weeks old. It's going to be so much fun!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: We had a great time at Adelee's first birthday party and I made some adorable Beauty and the Beast cupcakes.