Bumpdate | 13 Weeks

Bumpdate | 13 Weeks

How Far Along?:  13 weeks! Happy Thanksgiving! It's the LAST week of the first trimester which is so crazy to think about. It felt like I would never get to this stage when I was going through horrible morning sickness, but here we are! 

Weight Gain: So far nothing still. I just unpacked our digital scale and I wasn't even 123 lbs. WHAT IN THE WORLD haha. I normally fluctuate between 120-125 lbs when I'm not pregnant, so this is crazy to me. 

Gender?: Not sure yet, but I really hope it's another baby girl! I would love to buy all the cute bows and outfits again!

How Big is Baby?: Baby is now as big as a lemon! They're about 2.9 inches long and weigh about .81 ounces, and proportion-wise, their head is now about 1/3 the size of the body instead of 1/2. Baby is also working on swallowing and may be sucking their thumb by now!

Symptoms: This last week has been crazy. I've been so stressed out and overwhelmed that it's started to affect my gut. Not to mention I haven't been eating all that well. SO I am FOR SURE inflamed, which is never fun. Other than that, I'm getting better sleep the last few days since we have our own mattress and bed again. I do have more energy now that I don't have morning sickness anymore, but I'm still feeling exhausted. My lower back has been a pain lately too. Hoping that gets better. 

Any Food Cravings?: No not really. I just seem to be craving healthier meals. Fast food doesn't sound super appetizing at all.

Sleep: Better, but still not super great. Hoping I can get better sleep soon. But knowing me, it's just gonna get worse from here. 

Stretch Marks?: My previous ones are pretty noticeable. But I don't think I have new ones...yet.

Maternity Clothes?: YUP. I have officially entered the stage of maternity clothes. I bought my first set of basics the other day at the PX. I haven't worn all of them yet, and can still get away with my big leggings and tees, but I know I'll need to break out those maternity pants soon. 

Wedding Ring On or Off?: On! 

What Do You Miss the Most?: Being comfortable and not having back pain. It's been killer lately. I'm sure unpacking a billion boxes a day lately isn't helping.

What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I have my FIRST midwife appointment on Monday which is exciting and also kinda crazy. I'll be 13w4d (2 days before the second trimester). I've never gone this far in a pregnancy without seeing a provider.

Labor Signs?: Nope!

Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Getting our HHG! It was so nice to see that truck roll up, while also overwhelming and exhausting. Trying to get settled while pregnant AND a holiday week is not for the faint of heart. 

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