Today was day six of the 1940's Wartime Meal Plan! Only one day left! Today was an odd one. I only ended up making breakfast. We were out most of the day, and then his family wanted BBQ for dinner. I did welcome the break though.
Any Seasonal Fruit, Ham Omelet (Pg. 364), Graham Biscuits (Pg.119), Milk or Coffee
Today's breakfast was pretty simple. I almost didn't finish it because it was so much food.
Brown Bread & Cream Cheese Sandwiches, Apricots, Vanilla Wafers (Pg.495), Milk or Tea
I actually didn't get to make today's lunch because we went out shooting and I didn't have a chance to make anything before we left. And by the time we got back it was dinner time.
Breaded Pork Chops, Gravy (Pg. 314), Riced Potatoes (Pg. 405), Buttered Spinach, Combination Fruit Salad (Pg. 436), Bread, Wafers
I also didn't get to make dinner today because Wes' cousin was in town and they wanted to get Texas BBQ while he was here.
Even though I only made breakfast, I still think it was a good day!