1940's Meal Plan: Monday

1940's Meal Plan: Monday

Over the weekend I decided it would be a fun idea to do an entire weeks meal plan from a 1940's Wartime Cookbook called The American Woman's Cook Book. The edition I have is 1942, and in the very back there's a section called "Wartime Cookery" which is just so cool! I also included page numbers in case you get your hands on one and want to try these out yourself.



Ready to Eat Cereal, Sliced Banana & Milk, Poached Eggs on Toast, Milk or Coffee

This was a perfect Monday morning breakfast because I'm always so tired from the weekend, and Monday's are usually so busy! The only thing the kids didn't have was the poached egg on toast. I'll admit that I ate REALLY late today. But it was good! I would definitely have it for breakfast again.



Banana & Nut Salad (Pg. 435), Muffins (Pg. 116), Honey, Milk or Tea

This lunch was...different. I wasn't sure about the mayonnaise on banana situation. And to be perfectly honest I won't be making it again. That being said, the bananas with walnuts wasn't bad. The muffins were a tad dry, but the honey definitely made them better! Instead of tea, I just finished my morning coffee.



Cheese Soufflé (Pg. 381), Mashed Potatoes, Buttered String Beans, Radish & Cucumber Salad, Strawberry Shortcake (Pg. 547)

I'll be honest, I felt a bit frazzled making this dinner. I'm not used to making so many different dishes for a regular week night dinner. To be fair, I did start it later than I should have. The cheese soufflé was so good! And crazy enough, even after going to a French cooking school, I had never made a soufflé until tonight. The dishes were actually very simple to make, I think I just needed to time it better. The radish and cucumber salad was something I could take or leave. I'm also used to having strawberry shortcake sweeter and with whipped cream, but it makes sense that this recipe wasn't as sweet since sugar was rationed. Overall it was a delicious dinner!


I think the first day went well considering how busy we were. It's funny because it forced me to eat and I definitely ate more than I normally do in a day, which is a good thing since I chronically under eat. I'm excited to see how the rest of the week goes!

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