Weekend Shenanigans

Weekend Shenanigans

Is it already Monday?! This weekend came and went WAY too fast. I was so sad yesterday when I kept thinking it was Saturday just to realize that the next day was Monday. Shm...Well at least we had a fun filled weekend!

1. EOD Family Day

On Saturday, hubby's school had a family day. It was so much fun! We got to experience what our guys do everyday. I got to climb in the back of this bad boy and play with the robot! They even served Jim N Nicks for free. YUM!

2. Halloween Costumes

I am SO excited for Halloween and to dress the boys up! I'm being crafty this year and making all of our costumes. Here's a sneak peak of how they are coming along.

3. Party Planning

Like I said, I'm SO excited for Halloween! We're throwing a party and I'm going all out! Food, drinks, decorations and games. I bought these critters at the Dollar Tree to paint and I cant wait to see how they come out.

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