I was SO happy when my husband told me that this weekend was going to be a 3-day weekend for him. Wooo! More time with my hubby (and help with babies haha) We had an adventure at a pumpkin patch and a lazy Sunday. If you ask me if was the perfect weekend!
1. Morning Snuggles
On Saturday morning the boys were up and ready to go at 7:00am...too early for a weekend. So we took them into our beds and snuggled in our PJs. Some of us were still waking up..cough cough Bentley haha! I love these little moments like this with my sweet family.

2. Pumpkin Patch
Since the official start of fall I have been dying to go to a pumpkin patch! I was so exited to take the boys to see their very first farm. Holland Farms was such a cute place to visit. We went along with two of our military families with kids, one married couple and two single friends. The whole gang was there! We decided to take some of our own pictures since our photographer was late an hour (poor girl got lost), but it didn't dampen our fun! I think they came out cute too.

3. Cotton
Is it just me, or are cotton fields just so beautiful? They're my favorite. I have an urge to pull over and pick cotton every time we pass one! (I don't of course haha) We passed a few cotton fields on our way to the pumpkin patch and I just had to snag a picture.

4. Milk Drunk
These poor fellas couldn't even finish their lunch ha! I love how Bentley fell asleep with it still in his mouth. Is it just me, or are sleeping babies a theme here...

5. Homemade Cookies
Cookies are by far one of my favorite things in the world to make! My favorite of all? Chocolate chip cookies. I had an urge to bake and decided it was time to make some cookies. I just love the way the house smells when you make them. Not to mention eating the cookie dough...I become a kid all over again. I decided to spoil myself and pair my cookie with some gelato and milk. Mmmmm! My favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe coming soon.