Happy Monday y'all! I've been so bad about posting these weekend posts, but it's been a crazy house over here + I have totally spaced! Here was our weekend:
Surprisingly my hubby got off work SUPER early, so it was nice having him home! We tidied up around the house a little + then went off to pick up my new glasses, which I LOVE! After that we ran to the grocery store + picked up some food for the week. I found this adorable car cart at the commissary + I just couldn't resist haha! Whoever invented these is a genius because it kept the boys occupied the whole time we were out! I also finished their birthday letters finally! Took me a week to do but they came out beautiful! I'll be doing a tutorial here soon!

The weather was a bit crazy in the morning, but once it cleared up by the afternoon it wasn't too bad. We finally sold our couches + now we have some money to buy some new ones! It looks like we are squatters since there is literally NO furniture in the living room, but hey its ok. We only have a month left in this house so we aren't too worried about it. We finally set up dates for the movers + it's coming up fast! I also held the babies + mama roller ball class and it was a blast!

Sunday had crazy weather! We were on tornado warning a few times and the wind + rain were fierce! We even set up a shelter in our master closet in case we needed to take cover. It was a bit intense! The weather mellowed out towards the later afternoon and hubby + I went to finish some shopping. After the crazy day we had hubby + I went on a spontaneous sushi date. The boat it came on was BEA-UTIFUL! I pray for the 19 people who lost their lives this weekend to this horrible storm!

Hope y'all had a great weekend too. This month is almost over and my birthday is just a week away! Wooo!