Liam + Bentley | Ten Month Update

Liam + Bentley | Ten Month Update

Happy Thursday y'all. The boys were born 10 months ago and it seriously feels like it just flew by me. They're only TWO whole months from being a year old and I just can't wrap my head around that. They're growing at lightening speed and I can hardly keep up! They've learned so many new things and I can't wait to see what this month brings us.



17 lbs 6 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 11 oz)

27 in (Birth: 19.5 in)


18 lbs 1 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 8 oz)

27 in (Birth: 19 in)

These are the measurements that they had done at the hospital today. Thankfully Bentley's ear infection is gone...yay and Liam is clear too. And the boys are all cleared up from their bronchiolitis! We have two very healthy, and might I add crazy, boys.


We still use formula, but only three times a day and as a snack versus a meal. Our pediatrician recommended that they start switching from a bottle to sippy cup and she says she wants them completely weaned off a bottle in two months. Looks like we will be headed to the store for some more sippy cups. Right now in the morning when they wake up, they get a bottle, then about an hour or two later they get breakfast, then comes their snack and another bottle. Then they get lunch and more snacks, and it's off to dinner. Before bed, they get a bottle and let me just say they're little piggies! They just EAT EAT EAT!


They're sleeping for a long stretch at night and it's been great! They usually go down around 7:30pm-8:00pm and don't make a peep until the morning. Although lately, they've been waking up around 6am thinking it's time to start the day., go back to sleep, it's still dark and I'm half dead...thanks.

On a more exciting note...These two boys are on the go! And I mean GOOOOO. They're walking all over the house like it's cool. Of course they're still wobbly, but they have it pretty much down. They're growing way too fast. Slow down. They're talkative and so much fun! Bentley waves hi and tries to say hi when you say it to him haha it's so cute to watch! I can't wait to see what this month brings. I love watching them learn and grow. I can't even think about them turning one in just TWO months! WHAAAAT? Didn't I just have them?

Have a great weekend y'all.

Here are some of their 10 month pictures.


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