Y'all....let's get real for a second and think about the fact that these sweet boys are 11 months old! They turn ONE next month. I can't believe this year has gone by so fast...didn't I just have them?
18 lbs 1 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 11 oz)
27¼ in (Birth: 19.5 in)
18 lbs 7 oz (Birth: 5 lbs 8 oz)
27¼ in (Birth: 19 in)
These are just estimates since we haven't been into the doc for a while. Although, I feel like they might have gained more since they feel heavy. (Or maybe this mama just needs to work out more haha)
This is the boy's LAST month on formula. They're getting SO big! We start giving them whole milk in just 4 weeks. To be on the safe side, we're starting with the organic lactose free whole milk and I hope they do well. They're having three big meals a day and snacks throughout. Just like big boys! Their favorite breakfast is toast with butter, sliced banana and eggs! They're just like mama and daddy and could eat breakfast for every meal of the day.
We started something amazing within the last week! I've been researching the Montessori bedroom for a few weeks now and with the move coming up we figured why not just try it. So, we took the cribs down and put everything on their level. At first they had no idea what was going on and actually fell asleep on the floor by the door haha. We would just pick them up and move them. BUT on day 4 they've finally gotten the hang of it (for the most part)! They're sleeping longer, harder and waking up happier! This is one happy mama. More to come.

These boys grow more and more every second. They're learning so fast and it just amazes me! Their favorite movies are Lilo & Stitch and Cars (Disney fans just like their parents). They've learned how to wave "hello" and "bye-bye" and Bentley has learned how to put his yellow phone to his ear when I say "hello?" It's so cute! I can't wait to see what this next month holds. It's definitely going to be a crazy ride! I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend.
Here are some of their 11 month pictures!