How Far Along?: 25 Weeks!
Weight Gain: 16 lbs so far, I was worried I wasn't gaining enough but I am right on track now!
Gender?: It's a GIRL!
How Big is Baby?: Baby girl is the size of a cauliflower! She's now 13.6 inches long and 1.5 lbs! She's now starting to have a sense of equilibrium and knowing which way is up or down. She's also packing on the pounds along with more hair!
Symptoms: I've had a hard time sleeping and more leg cramps. I think I need to drink more water! Other than that I've just been SO tired. I can barely keep my eyes open, by 1:00pm I'm ready for bed. I've had a few dizzy spells but I'm hoping they start to go away soon.
Any Food Cravings?: I've been craving comfort foods lately and still ALL the ice cream!
Sleep: SO hard. I am so sleepy and want to sleep all the time but I can't seem to get comfortable. My belly keeps growing and growing everyday and the pressure doesn't help with getting comfortable. Having to sleep on my sides is starting to make my hips sore.
Stretch Marks?: No new ones thankfully, but the old ones are definitely more noticeable now.
Maternity Clothes?: Yes! Even some of my maternity tees are starting to feel a little snug on me. I've been living in my sweats and tank tops lately.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping on my back! HANDS DOWN.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I have a lot coming up this week that I am excited about! My mom is coming to visit and Wes is coming home from New Mexico. I also get to hop on a plane and visit my grandma in Texas for a week. I can't wait!
Labor Signs?: Nope, just those pesky Braxton Hicks contractions.