How Far Along?: 24 Weeks! We've hit our first major goal! Viability!
Weight Gain: 13-14 lbs so far, right on track.
Gender?: It's a GIRL!
How Big is Baby?: Baby girl is the size of a cantaloupe! She's now 11.8 inches long and 1.3 lbs! Her skin is getting less and less transparent and more pink. I can't wait to see how much she grows in the next couple of weeks.
Symptoms: This past week has been SO much better. I have had some dizzy spells but don't nearly feel as lightheaded as I have been. My feet are starting to swell a little if I stand too long, not to mention my crampy legs.
Any Food Cravings?: I've been craving hearty foods lately...oh AND all the ice cream.
Sleep: SO hard to get good quality sleep lately. I'm always tired, but I can't get comfortable to sleep. I toss and turn all night. I wish I could lay on my back since that's where I'm most comfy. For now, I'll just stuff a bunch of pillows in between my legs!
Stretch Marks?: No new ones thankfully, but the old ones are definitely more prominent.
Maternity Clothes?: Yes! The only things that aren't maternity clothes that fit me now are PJ's and big tees.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On!
What Do You Miss the Most?: Sleeping on my back. Gosh I really do miss being able to be comfy while sleeping. I also wish I had more energy but overall I feel pretty good!
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: I'm actually really excited to spend time with Wes before he leaves on Sunday. I love the weekends when we don't have much going on.
Labor Signs?: Nope, just those pesky Braxton Hicks contractions which are more frequent lately.