How Far Along?: 23 Weeks!
Weight Gain: About 25 lbs....WHOA. This train better slow down. I feel like I'm gaining weight so fast with this pregnancy. I eat healthy for the most part, but I can't seem to keep the weight off. I definitely need to get back into working out. I've been babying myself so much lately because of my back and knee pain.
Gender?: BOY!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a Grapefruit! Cooper is measuring about 11.4 inches long from head to toe and about 1.1 lbs. He's packing on the weight just like mama haha.
Symptoms: Back pain...man it's a b*tch. I can't seem to get comfy when I sleep at night because my back hurts so badly. The headaches are unforgiving too. I hate coffee. Always have, but of course it's the only thing that takes the pain away. On the bright side, this little man is a kicker. He is constantly moving more and more each day.
Any Food Cravings?: Hardboiled eggs and cheese. Every night I want two hardboiled eggs with a babybel cheese haha. OH and Starbucks fraps. It's so bad...
Sleep: Surprisingly as hard as it is to fall asleep, once I'm asleep I sleep just fine...minus the bathroom trips. I toss and turn to either side now, but occasionally still wake up on my back.
Stretch Marks?: Just the ones from the twins!
Maternity Clothes?: Yup! Sweatpants have also become my best friend. I found these PJ pants at Target and life will never be the same. Don't judge me I know they're Pjs, but mama wears these bad boys out in town.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.
What Do You Miss the Most?: Being able to sleep on my back. Ugh do I miss the sound sleeping. Now, I can't even wake up at 7am because I'm so exhausted.
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: My grandma comes to town! I can't wait to see her! I love when she comes to visit.
Labor Signs?: Nope! Better stay that way!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: A very good friend of mine welcomed her baby girl into the world! Welcome to the world baby A, you are so loved by so many! I'm so happy for her and her hubby!