How Far Along?: 21 Weeks! Hellooooo Fall!
Weight Gain: 19 lbs. I some how managed to lose weight. But I'm not complaining!
Gender?: BOY!
How Big is Baby?: Baby is the size of a Pomegranate! Which I've loved eating lately. He's finally being measured from head to toe and is about 10.5 inches long and 12.7 ounces!
Symptoms: Oh man, what don't I have. Heart palpitations, heartburn, shortness of breathe, swelling, back pain and dry itchy skin. I want to blame some of this on the weather, but goodness gracious I'm falling apart this week! I'm just so exhausted and worn out. He also feels super low lately, so his kicks have felt more like jabs to my organs haha.
Any Food Cravings?: Grilled cheese, fruit and hard boiled eggs. Weirdly I only crave them late at night. I have NO idea what that is all about.
Sleep: Non existent. I can't get comfortable and everything hurts which then leads to insomnia, so that's been great. The lack of sleep is definitely making me snappy. Sorry everyone...I swear I didn't mean it...
Stretch Marks?: Nothing new, but I can definitely see the ones the twins left behind as my skin starts to stretch more and more.
Maternity Clothes?: Oh yea!
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.
What Do You Miss the Most?: Being able to sleep! Just sleep at all!
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: Getting our house organized and garage cleaned out. I've been putting it off forever, but now that the weather is super nice this week I need to get out there and do it!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: My mom came to visit and it was so much fun! We went around shopping for Cooper's nursery and I even got a 90 minute prenatal massage which mama needed...badly! It was such a great week!