How Far Along?: 13 Weeks! Last week of the first trimester. Seriously though, where did the time go?
Weight Gain: 10.5 lbs. Seems like I'm staying around the same range which makes me happy!
Gender?: BOY! I can't believe it. We were so certain it was a girl! Looks like I'm gonna be a mama to three boys. #boymom Now just to settle on a name haha.
How Big is Baby?: He (that is still so weird to say) is the size of a peach this week mmmmmm! 2.9 inches and 0.81oz! His pancreas is producing insulin and his intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to his tummy.
Symptoms: I've actually felt pretty good this week! I spotted some here and there, but it went away so I'm staying positive as long as little man is doing okay, I'm okay. My headaches are starting to go away and my energy is creeping back. I'm so looking forward to this second trimester bliss!
Any Food Cravings?: Nothing at the moment besides maybe fruit...but I always love fruit.
Sleep: Sleeping like a baby! I'm hoping it stays this way for a while since there is only one in here haha.
Stretch Marks?: Nothing new yet!
Maternity Clothes?: Not yet! But we are getting closer everyday! I think I'll start busting out the maternity clothes in the next week.
Wedding Ring On or Off?: On.
What Do You Miss the Most?: Sushi. Or really just eating anything I want to to be honest. But, I'm trying to enjoy this pregnancy since it's probably our last :(
What Are You Most Excited For This Next Week?: My friend Jenn's daughter is turning one this week and I'm excited to see how her party turns out!
Labor Signs?: Nope!
Favorite Memory From Last Week?: Our gender reveal hands down. People were so amazing and we had so many friends and family show up. My girl Allison from Sweet Revenge Bakery did an AAAAAH-MAZING job on the baked goodies. Stay tuned for more on the party!